The one with the why...

I want to make less trash

I don't think anyone really wants to make more trash, but I want to start making deliberate choices in my life style that will create le...

Sunday, February 12, 2023

I want to make less trash

I don't think anyone really wants to make more trash, but I want to start making deliberate choices in my life style that will create less trash. This blog is my effort to document that process. I doubt I'll ever be one of those folks who gets all the way to zero waste. I'm realistic enough to admit that. 

Nothing on this blog will ever be Pinterest perfect or Instagram arranged. This is my real life. The real choices I make and any cool things I figure out, probably long after others figured them out first. 

My interest in creating less waste has been growing for a while. It crept in with a reusable water bottle, metal straws, and the shampoo bar a friend gave me. Then it was about having less single use plastic in my lunch box, and wondering about other places I could replace plastic and trash in my life. 

Even though I've been slowly moving toward less waste for a long time, I'm now realizing that I want to do more; examine each thing I buy in terms of it's sustainability, life span, and end of use plan. 

Stick with me. I'll write about some of the changes I've already made and bring you along as I tackle new ways to reduce my waste stream. 

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